Award winning project at the Architecture House of Burgundy 2013’s contest of contemporary architecture
The project was to completely restructure the premises of "PRADO", an accomodation which hosts homeless.
This operation is part of a gradual process of integrating people at the edge of society by creating their self-catering rooms and fully rehabilitating the day-care section, too small and outdated.
It is located on the corner of two streets near the train station. The urban issue is its prominent implantation in a neighborhood made up of disparate post-war buildings (39-45). The starting point is a house from the early twentieth century that it was necessary to rehabilitate and extend to perform the program.
An uncluttered cubic volume, covered with white bricks offers an urban signal which captures one’s attention without focusing it.
The openings are varied: each room has an interesting point of view.
The junction with the existing house is made thanks to colour coding: the original plaster has been painted in brown/purple colours in order to rule out the habitat function transformed for the occasion into a social function. The link with the white extension is made by metallic elements whose colour is dark brown (handcrafted gate, aluminum joinery, railings ...).