A functional approach
This school, before its restructuring, is characterised by a breakdown of its functions: they are without consistency, without identification, with no centre. Since their construction in the late nineteenth century, the buildings have been successively transformed from junior school, to secondary school, to boarding school and staff housing. In the 70’s, new buildings complement those of the nineteenth century, this addition of space having been carried out without a master plan.
With this in mind, the school has been re-organised according to a functional scheme with the heart of it noticeable from the entrance and connecting the high court to the low court and from which all the main circulations of the establishment start.
Minimal interventions for the benefit of the school
A fine building analysis has allowed to preserve the best existing assets and minimise the financial impact of the restructuring, the two approaches being complementary. Therefore the following strategy has been developed:
- Restructuring of the nineteenth century buildings with implementation of interior insulation to retain the stone facades original appearance.
- Restoration of the 70’s buildings, insulating them from the outside and giving them a relatively sober finishing coat (beige/dark grey tone) in harmony with the nineteenth century buildings.
- Mutation of the workshop sheds (1930): the stone building and its skylight windows are preserved but now host the new dining room around which is built a kitchen that matches the curvature of the local street.
- Demolition of sheds without interest
The working axis will have been to remove as little as possible in order to functionally reinvest the school, and enhance the ancient heritage in a safeguarded sector area. The sole volumetric addition is a large zinc awning and large windows defining the new hall.